Dragon Signatures

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _removed_userwefwewe, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. Is hat a neglected qwert?
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  2. Want a neglected so bad. They're cool :p
  3. Did you not see the big bold text? :p
  4. I want an Undead super-bad.
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  5. So do I. Unfortunately they are rare to spawn and only appear on your scroll every october 31st. They show as gravestones for a whole year, come back alive as undead on oct. 31st, and then go back to gravestones. Repeat! Which is the only downside.
  6. :) i now have three striped dragons: , , and
  7. I love dragons. Alot. Here's my story:
    When I was 2, I played my first game. It was spyro the dragon. My mum also had alot of models of dragons, which I loved. I've liked dinosaurs all of my life, and dragons look like dinos. A few months ago, my mum was doing spring cleaning. She was selling the glass case the dragons where in, and she was going to throw them out but then I got them instead. I've loved dragons ever since :p Which is why I got a new dragon cave account.
  8. Seems like it's time for incubators again. Here's mine:

    Also, I have just one more dragon before my Bronze Trophy! :D
  9. Nice Dinos! what do you want for your duplicate blue dino?
  10. You can't trade adults. If you could, I would have a few Frills by now. ;)
  11. a.) can dinos breed?
    b.) If you ever wanna trade a child of your legendary dragons.... I volunteer...
  12. Just got a terp.
  13. No, and no.
  14. I think I'm the only one on the Legendary list..
  15. Since I haven't done this yet...

    All CB except for one Magi.
  16. Cool chicken! Here's mine:
  17. Looks delicious.
  18. I want a chicken!
  19. My incubator.

    38 adults.