Dragon Signatures

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _removed_userwefwewe, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. I've seen a few of them on the abandoned eggs page, which is where I got mine in the first place. And I have seen one in the cave. Try in those places for now? If you can't find one, i'll breed you one or get one for you.
    Also, i'm going to try for an autumn when they arrive.
  2. Ahaha...I just seen a vampire. I wish I wasn't overburdened :(
  3. I'm camping the AP right now. I'm also trying to get some seasonals; every single one.
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  4. Where do the eggs drop? The seasonals?
  5. Their habitat is alpine & forest, if that's what you mean.
    RED_Spy1 likes this.
  6. Okay, thanks. I just saw a Black hatchie on the AP, too! :eek:
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  7. People keep bullying me... Dropping vamps on the AP while i'm overburdened :( I want a vamp and an undead by halloween.
  8. Idiots and their tendancy to not keep rares xP Which is good for me, because I hardly ever get on the cave without the 'you see a massive pile of eggs'.
  9. YES!!! Got one!
  10. That means you have the limit of four eggs. It's very, very annoying. When you get trophies (by getting a certain amount of dragons) though, you increase your egg slots. I'm only a couple dragons away from my Bronze Trophy.
  11. I may be able to bite an egg...
  12. I was gonna say, I just seen one on the AP :p
  13. Actually, that person was mad that it wan't an alt and chucked it into the AP. People do that all the time.
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  14. Ahh...But I was hacked this morning and they killed my guardian.. Do dead eggs still count as eggs?

    Also, my harvest, green and magi are hours, maybe even minutes, away from hatching.
  15. For 24h.

    Sorry for language and caps, but... SCREW YOU, HACKERS!!!! :mad:
  16. For 24 hours, yes.
  17. Looks like that lineage has...

    Alot of seasonals.
  18. I don't need it :p I grabbed an egg and didn't know what it was until today. It was my summer :p
  19. Also, this should go without saying, but change your password!

    Actually, you're not the one I put that there for...