Dragon Signatures

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _removed_userwefwewe, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. Sure, Why not, Mr.(Ms./Mrs.) 1,700th poster.
  2. Nice. I got both those a while ago.
  3. wow... this thread is 86 pages long :eek: :cool:
  4. Ive got two full grown white dragons, a male and a female, let me know if u want me to breed one for you!
  5. I know. It's like how they say Magis are uncommon. But they are popping up all over.
  6. SoulPunisher likes this.
  7. Yay! If you get it, PM me the claim link please!
  8. gonna wait till the 12:00 am drop for new eggs :D
  9. haha my egg just hatched
  10. Just missed two nebulae, a paper, and a CHICKEN. Well on another not my neglected experiment is going nicely :D
    But how many hours does it need to have left before it gets clicks to be neglected?
    EDIT: Just missed another paper
  11. I think 1.
  12. ouch thatll be hard... how many click sites do you know of? (So I can post it on more than one ER)
  13. Just look on the click site portion of the dragcave wiki.
  14. Says the page needs content :(
  15. When do killed eggs no longer count as an egg?