Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Red_Saint, Sep 6, 2012.

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  1. BadServerIp

    If you dont I will ban you because im justinguys friend
  2. Dear Justin,

    Please forgive me, for I have banned your friend.

  3. Brilliant :)
  4. Congratulations on receiving a permaban and most likely a forum ban.
  5. Need that south park pic saying" and it's gone"
  6. Or this one

  7. :(:(:(:( Why do i miss all the fun stuff? :(:(:(:(
  8. Thats not even a sever :p
  9. They posted a server ip but ICC replaced it with "badserverip."
  10. Hmm, i wonder if "badserverip" is a server...
  11. It can't work as the server ip since it doesn't have a domain extension.
  12. So he was suggesting that an admin on EMC, would ban everybody that didn't visit his friends server... makes perfect sense.
    foodenator and AlexHallon like this.
  13. Okay. Ban me. Or did it backfire and ban you instead?
  14. My favorite thing about posts like this, is I get to post something clever and get a bunch of 'likes'. :p
  15. My favourite thing about posts like this, is you get to post something clever and I get to give it a bunch of 'likes'. :p
    Jimbonothing64 and AlexHallon like this.
  16. I would have liked it if you changed it to our servers.
    Jimbonothing64 and Joshposh70 like this.
  17. Im going to make a complimation of all of the Admins Funny post's

    Starting with the legendary "For you see in empire minecraft the server trolls you"

    and of course the equally epic "goodbye EMC""
    R0bbieJo likes this.
  18. Its ok IcC we forgive you JustinGuy has us he doesnt need him ;)
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