Dragon Signatures

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _removed_userwefwewe, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. Whut?
    oidgod likes this.
  2. English, Please!
    oidgod likes this.
  3. :cool: knew you guys would not understand it.
  4. Thanks to that like, I got another trophey: seriously likable! Thanks! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
    oidgod likes this.
  5. Clicky Clicky My Eggy's! And i Clicky Clicky You're Eggy's!
  6. A tedk fik m0 owwj ed m0 jaw, cojj udde0adw ke muadkuad,:T uk kxaj feadk am zijk teadw kxaj rosuijo 0ei wi0j tedk bden, udt muhwuhakko, 0ei xulo u cek ev hotj.
  7. it wont let me join the website T_T
    forget it
  8. Clicked, please click mine. :)
  9. Try another e-mail for the verification code. Worked for me.
  10. I got 400 views and 5 stages of cracks PER EGG overnight!:D How did that happen? :confused:
  11. [EDIT] All my eggs now have aroung 1,100 views. :D

  12. HATCHED!
    i named him ankle striker,because its description is: aww, its a cute baby dragon. it likes hiding under dead leaves and attacking your ankles as you pass by.
    Qwerty189 likes this.
  13. Nice! :D:):D:)
    Still trying to get mine to hatch... You can do it!!!
  14. Wow, Nebulas are so highly prized but mine is unwanted, like all of my Highly prized dragons it would seem.. Its been rejected 5 times now for trades.. <,<
  15. i
    lol i cant breed my nebula dragons because they hate each other
    Seberling likes this.
  16. Mine dont hatch! :mad:
  17. Clicky Clicky My Eggy's! And i Clicky Clicky You're Eggy's!
  18. Clicked again.
  19. qwert, ive clicked yours twice. by tommarow, i promise it will hatxh :)
  20. And if not? :p