AWESOMEEST shadow mod ever :D

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by dandandondo, Aug 5, 2012.

  1. so i was looking for some mods to add good looking shadows to buildings and people and stuff like that and i came across "sonic ethers unbelievable shadows" for 1.2.5, and it looks AMAZING. this wasnt photoshopped, and this was on the default minecraft 16x16 texturepack.
    (im sorry if i posted this in the wrong catefory of the forums) D: 2012-08-05_01.15.34.png 2012-08-05_01.30.27.png 2012-08-05_01.07.54.png 2012-08-05_01.49.41.png
    hal007c likes this.
  2. woops, the first screenshot isnt default texturepack, the others are.
    hal007c likes this.
  3. Wow... *sighs* I don't think my 5 year old computer could handle this.
  4. I've wanted that mod for a very long time, but it hates my computer. Every time I try to install it, I get blackscreen'd. :(