I have decided to have a griefing party on my residence 14224, smp7. I took all the chests down +1 for piggeh. So now there is only my big wool drop party building and my two shops. ( made from stone bricks ) I ahve decided to move server, but I dont know which one. This is now in your hands, help me decide what server to go to. The griefing party will start in 10 minutes, so bring your enchanted pickaxe and your mighty shears!
Greifing party is now under way! Come before they get all the minerals! Also leave a comment on which smp I should move too.
Smochalollydingdong. Top 3 : Smp1 11 Votes Smp5 9 votes ( Great comeback ) Smp2 6 votes Which ever server has the most votes at 5 : 00 Eastern Standard Time ( 5 Hours and 30 Minutes ) will be the new server I will be moving to.