Cool song i want to share with the whole EMC!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by creeper3846, Jul 19, 2012.

  1. Yeah I agree. Most songs are just auto-tuned like nowadays.
    Nole972 likes this.
  2. :O you are my enemy jk all our opinions are different, but most dislike dj usher
  3. I listen to Breaking Benjamin, Avril Lavigne, Coldplay, Skrillex, Deadmau5 & Linkin Park.
    PRO_G4NGST4 and imBobertRobert like this.
  4. this is what i read: i listen to probably some rock band, another rock band, those guys that where ok but their new album is too mainstream, that guy who makes his fruit smoothies into music, that guy that wants to be a mouse and has pretty meh music, and linkin park.
  5. Avril Lavigne is a girl and not a band 0-e She's not rock either.
  6. Sorry to Hijack, I keep reading Deadmau5 and just wanted to paste this from this years Comicon. Sadly wasn't there, I just found this in a video and online.:
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  7. I have loved that song for months since like alpha xD its so catchy ;)
  8. Y u no POST MEMEs? :p
  9. because at that point when i uploaded taht i was too lazy.
  10. See they are stickin up the middle finger xD
  11. creeper3846 and SleepyPK like this.
  12. BOO Usher. Look up:
    Pursuit of Vikings by Amon Amarth
    Meruto by Hatsune Miku
    Ride the Lightning by Mettalica
    Just to name a few epic songs.
  13. I am resisting the urge to flood this with The Beatles. Your all very lucky..
    creeper3846 likes this.
  14. Do it! Beatles FTW! :D
  15. Woke up this morning on the beach,
    Started walking, it's my regular routine.
    I was on the search for some diamonds,
    Let me tell you just what I've seen
    I saw...

    a castle with a view,
    fields of bamboo,
    guy from Kung Fu,
    a giant screw,
    a kangaroo,
    some chicken stew,
    and the woman who lived in a shoe.

    I saw...

    a white whale,
    the holy grail,
    Pirate ships without a sail,
    air mail,
    volcano fail,
    pyramids not to scale,
    and some things I should not go into detail.

    You never know what you will find
    shaping a world that's in your mind.
    See for yourself and walk with me

    A world of wonder, a land of beauty.
    Across the mountains and over the sea
    but I still haven't found any diamonds.

    I've been walking around for miles,
    still no diamonds to be found.
    Maybe I should look underground.

    I started digging a hole,
    drilling through dirt, then I fell through,
    landed in some water.
    What have I gotten myself into?

    I saw...

    Lava lake near the core,
    Kratos from God of War
    mushroom spore,
    liquor store,
    statue of dumbledore.

    Wooden shed with a bed,
    spiders and the undead,
    loaf of bread,
    giant spool of golden thread.

    I saw a sparkle in the dark.
    I put my axe right through that mark.
    At last found me some diamonds.
    Oh I'm so happy I could ride a pig!
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx and creeper3846 like this.

  16. well thats the extent of what i listen to that would actually be appropriate for EMC, since there are little kids here...
  17. darn i cant like my own status. i love those songs that much. that i would even do what people do on facebook...
  18. Skrillex, Deadmau5, Black Eyed Peas. Some favs.