The Troll Thread

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by IamSaj, Jul 17, 2012.


You Mad Yet?

Nope, not even close 10 vote(s) 34.5%
Yes! I am! I'm going to go make someone laugh 9 vote(s) 31.0%
I'm not mad, I'm IceCreamCow 19 vote(s) 65.5%
Multiple votes are allowed.

  1. (one more video)
  2. xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  3. hehe seizure time :)

    EDIT: da fuq? why is the GIF not running -.-
  4. mean this thing?
  5. Narwhal = Tunacorn! (Tuna + Unicorn)
  6. How to troll:
    1. LOL.jpg

    2. TrollFace.gif

    3. GTFO.jpg
    Dwight5273 likes this.
  7. Time to kill somebody:

    129156784022251801.gif 129156784022251801.gif 129156784022251801.gif 129156784022251801.gif 129156784022251801.gif 129156784022251801.gif 129156784022251801.gif 129156784022251801.gif 129156784022251801.gif 129156784022251801.gif 129156784022251801.gif 129156784022251801.gif 129156784022251801.gif
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.

  8. lame...
  9. You all honestly, SUCK at trolling.
  10. Yeah pretty much, you guys even understand the concept of trolling? Or do I need to spoon feed it to your stupid looking owl?
    HylianNinja likes this.
  11. He is right, this is more of a meme fight thread. I like this better.
  12. Wait, so you like me trolling for real? Or want me to leave you guys to your meme fights?
    Cause I can continue my routine.
  13. Your supposed to troll for real, that's why it's the TROLL thread. Derp.