Xbox 360: Pub Stomping in MW3

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by IamSaj, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. Hey guys, IamSaj here and I'm looking for beast players on MW3 to pub stomp with if you don't know what pub stomping is, stop reading this.
    Now, I need people with the following:
    A Headset - Any Type
    Non-High-Pitched Voices that make my ears bleed - Self-Explanatory
    1.3 K/D or higher
    1st Prestige of higher
    Well Rounded Player - Good in All Game Modes
    Not Looking for a Clan
    Good at working with teammates - Callouts
    Good at beasting - For Pub Stomping
    If you fufill at least 6 of these requirements message me on Xbox: FPSStimulus
    and mention EMC. Thanks!
  2. No actual live name. :p
  3. I'd help but I'm busy raping at Black Ops :p
    IamSaj likes this.
  4. I can play Black Ops too just message me