Faith Inc. -= Secret Project =- In Progress

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Faithcaster, Jul 9, 2012.

  1. Hello EMC
    I Am Happy To Announce That Im Gonna Build Again :)
    This Is Gonna Be Build On 4 Residences In A Square
    3939, 3938, 4066 And 4067
    So Keep An Eye On It ;-)

  2. Why not just claim a Utopian residence? that would be the same size and you would actually have the residences connected...

    By the way what texture pack is that?
  3. Becuse if i claim a residence at utopia, No one will come see it!
    If you cant agree think about Dragonia Hotel
    nfell2009 and Dwight5273 like this.
  4. Yeah, it's sad how some of the best crreations are on Utopia and hardly anyone sees fhem. Anyways, good luck. :)
    Faithcaster likes this.
  5. I am near you faithcaster I am 3966!
    I just realized I am an active member!
  6. I for one am glad that you're not building in Utopia. Sounds like a huge project. Can't wait to see the finished product
  7. Im very exited about it :) Its gonna start very soon :)
    Im gonna have Eclipsys helping me
  8. I will keep posting pictures when its being build :) so all of you can follow
  9. Anyone can login to utopia but you need to be a supporter to build and visit the wild.
  10. Yeah but utopia is always empty peopel only use it for Grinding now a days :)
  11. Dude :)
    I didnt meant it like that. I just think it would have been more succesfull if it was on any smp 1 2 3 etc splitted into 4 residences :)
    MR2R2M likes this.
  12. Yeah, I know that. Planning on doing something sometime :)
  13. I know what you mean.
  14. Starting at the 25th
  15. Not trying to be a troll, so sorry for coming off like one here. Technically, when building ABOVE the residence, you get...a 122 x 122 square. The path area in between the residences adds on to it. I think the paths are two wide, at least. This doesn't really do much, I suppose, but two extra blocks are better than none, right? ;)
    _Stads_ and Faithcaster like this.
  16. 124x124 :p
  17. I never answered that :)
    My texture pack is John Smith
    _Stads_ likes this.
  18. Well yeah I suppose and you can build on the paths at like 124 block height if you ask Justin nicely... Well I guess you'll have to ask IcecreamCow but yeah...
  19. Thanks I may try it out it looks great! ;)