Easier Enchanting System

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by coffee_bullet, Jul 1, 2012.


Easier Enchanting System

Yes plz 10 vote(s) 35.7%
No 18 vote(s) 64.3%
  1. I have recently be enchanting some items and it is getting quite annoying. I m getting really bad enchantments for even level 50! For example: On a diamond pick i have been enchanting them to level 50 and i have got many that do not even have silk touch or fortune. the same things will swords, axes, spades. so i was wondering if a type of plugin or something could be introduced to EMC where enchanting is better, funnier, easier and happier. For example when u hover over your the three types of enchants u can do it will say what enchants they are not just some gibberish writing where u most times don't get what u won't.
    feel free to leave suggestions below
  2. I don't think the enchanting should be easier. If you could see the enchantments it would lower the price drastically of silk touch, and fortune. Seeing as they would be swarming the market. I myself love how the enchanting is done. But if I read correctly, in 1.3 the top enchanting level will now be 30 instead of 50, so I guess you will get your wish.
  3. They have already denied plugins for this
  4. i kinda in joy when I'm enchanting a item , might be "H yea enchantment or are you kidding me enchantment" guess I'm saying the thrill of the chase
    Manglex and vividOptimism like this.
  5. You are getting back luck because of the diamonds that you stole from robot_chicken :l
  6. The enchanting system will be redone with 1.3 to make it easier to get good enchants.
  7. Funnier? Maybe we'll put criticising laughing sounds when you get bad enchantments...
  8. the 1.3 update will dramatically reduce our prices for enchanted items, hopefully they will make silk and fortune rarer
    marknaaijer likes this.
  9. hopefully, :), i can see that auction will have 3 or 4 picks in each auction ex for the best ones
  10. Actually u will get them very often :(
  12. yes that would be good if u get them often :D
  13. I don't know why people want this game to get even easier, cuts the long-term fun out.
  14. Because most of them think the fun is all about chilling in the town and begging for stuff.
  15. /ch off
  16. Mining and getting exp?
    That sucks now. Enchanted items will be soo common
  17. But wouldnt people mine diamond ore with a silk touch pick place it and mine it again? Wont that give xp if you do that?