[AUCTION] AC Inc. #9 - Full PROTECTION IV Armour Set

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by AlexC__, Jun 29, 2012.

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  1. Red apple close enough?
  2. I enjoy cookies with a glass of freshly Pwned creeper.
    25k ;)
    AlexChance likes this.
  3. Holy budha. I love you <3 A stack of cookies for you.
  4. I guess asking for 30k is out of the question? :3
    cam13868674 likes this.
  5. Im special :3
    AlexChance likes this.
  6. its been 48 hours, correct?
  7. 4 hours to go :)
  8. Congratulations! You win. Please pay the full 25k and I will set up a chest for you at 3882 :)
  9. Please pay, it has almost been a week.
  10. Pick up at 4007 SMP2 :)
  11. Sorry about that, i came on everyday and you were never on when i was >_<
    AlexChance likes this.
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