Is it a lot or very little? Very little would make sense, as I have played very little outside of town (even before tokens were implemented), but a lot would also make sense, as I do regularly vote, and you don't.
I have 484273 and I joined a year ago. I guess you're not voting much, are you? or hunt enraged mobs, forgot about that
I have 401k tokens and do not hunt mobs. But I do vote quite regularly Oh and apologies to CastellanKnight for hijacking your thread to discuss token balances (which cant be given away )
2 mil? Wow, I'm a tad over 540k and I'm approaching 7 yrs. I did buy a bunch of avalauncers a while back, I think they used up a few tokens.
The last time he voted was over a year ago, and he has a bonus of under 100, so yeah, I guess not. You should ask Krysyy. I don't use any custom themes.