[closed] One (1) Diamond Supporter Voucher

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by CliffCraft, May 8, 2020.

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  1. Hello EMCers CliffCraft here with another auction!

    What: One (1) Diamond Supporter Voucher
    Starting Bid: 50,000
    Minimum Bid Increase: 10,000
    Auction Ends 48 Hours after last valid bid
    Item will be mailed once auction is over!
    Best of Luck! Ready Set GOOOO!!!!!!!!
  2. 100,000r
    CliffCraft likes this.
  3. 120,000
    CliffCraft likes this.
  4. sorry 120,000r
    CliffCraft likes this.
  5. That is an invalid bid minimum bid increase is 10k
  6. oop mb
    CliffCraft likes this.
  7. Winning Bid of 250k will mail the voucher later today once payment has been received
  8. payment received and voucher sent in mail
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