Welcome Back Captain !!

Discussion in 'Artists' Gallery' started by iMutes, Apr 22, 2020.


Did you miss me ^w^ ?

Poll closed May 6, 2020.
Yes 9 vote(s) 56.3%
No (liar :3) 0 vote(s) 0.0%
Moo 7 vote(s) 43.8%
    November 24th 2019, was the day and time that I left EMC. But no other server is not like EMC. When I left, I left my legacy and my residents. But what stayed was the memories that I had in EMC. I still remember the people who helped and supported me when I was only a noob. People still remember me and the things I do, which made me cry a little bit. To see that I haven’t got forgotten makes me feel like that online friends are better than my irl friends (hard to say that now due to our outbreak situation but whatever). I come back to EMC and STAYING, as I stay, I have present to you all a new illustration of me coming back to EMC.

    As I am settling in, it will take some time to build on all of my residents (3), equip and enchant Op armor, and build my mall again. I decided to build my new mall into a pirate ship and my home to be a bigger and better mansion then the one I had before, for those who remember the view of it.

    P.s. Moo

    Fun Fact: I am a college student who is majoring in Arts. I am improving as well as struggling, so please do not make fun of her (MINE) hands xD.

  2. Welcome back MrzMidnight, I've missed you!! ^^
  3. Welcome back, me hearty!
  4. Welcome back, old friend πŸ’™
  5. I've missed you twe ^w^ :p
  6. Thank ya, me matie ^w^
  7. Thank ya very much :3 I shall no longer be an old friend xP
    HazardousCode likes this.
  8. Before I welcome you back, I gotta go to the potty really really bad
    HazardousCode and Joy_the_Miner like this.
  9. Welcome back! :)
  10. Avast me hearties,... let me bid the welcome!
  11. good to see you back <3<3
  12. My EMC waifu I missed you so much and *moo* all of us on smp7 has a lot to catch up on :)
  13. seriously -w-
  14. Thankie ^w^
  15. Moo :D
  16. Yes seriously πŸ₯Ί I'm still trying to get to it ;-;
  17. Ahoy there Captain GreenBird of Luckiness ^w^
  18. Yash ^w^ fire the cannons and drop the anchor..