Survival Update 2 Item Thread Revisited

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by jewel_king, Aug 4, 2019.

  1. Today, a year after the survival update 2 was released i learned of a new item and my friend
    pointed out that there may be Other SU2 items that we dont know about so im bringing back the SU2 item thread

    According to Aikars post there was 32 new items

    1, Spark
    2, Steel Spike (and charged spike)
    3, Steel ingot
    4, Bloody Shoes
    5, Vindication
    6, Shiny fur
    7, Padded Fur
    8, Padded Fur Helmet
    9, Padded Fur Chestplate
    10, Padded Fur Pants
    11, Padded fur boots
    12, Steel Helmet
    13, Steel Chestplate
    14, Steel Pants
    15, Steel Boots
    16, Fragile Elytra
    17, Potion of Super Fire Resistance
    18, Potion of levitation
    19, Ender Blade
    20, Weighted Arrow
    21, Lucky rabbit foot
    22, Shiny carrot
    23, Crystal Pearl
    24, Fiery Food (these all count as 1)
    25, Witches Gem Tier 1-4 (asuming all tiers count as 1)
    26, Weak Venom
    27, Weak Venom (extended)
    28, Venom
    29, Venom Extended
    30, Strong Venom
    31, Strong Vemom (extended)
    ForeverMaster likes this.
  2. I assume steel spikes and charged steel spikes are considered two different items, so that would be 32.
    FadedMartian likes this.
  3. Makes sense to me :p