hi there, I recently built a creeper farm (to the best of my ability lol im not an amazing builder) in theory this farm should work well and spawn creepers reasonably fast. however I cannot work out why it is so slow. occasionally it spawns a few creepers and then that's it. I dont know if its the actual farm that I've built wrong, wether I built it over a massive under the sea cave system or if my afk spot is too far !?! I recently AFK'd at the farm for about an hour and about 10 creepers spawned. if anyone knows anything about mob spawning or emc mobs quirks can you please help me fix my farm tysm, guilll
There are some EMC quirks that might be affecting your spawn rate. I am aware of other discussions about them. But I don't know where to find the information that you need. It does matter that the there are caves or any other areas (that mobs can spawn) vertically in the area of your farm. To get the creepers to spawn only in your farm, you will need to light the other accessible blocks where any mobs can spawn in a perimeter distance around your farm. Sadly, I do not know that exact distance. And there is the obvious fact that you won't get anything to spawn unless that chunk has loaded.
Ive built it over the ocean on smp7 its quite close to spawn which might be a problem idk but I dont know how you can find out if there are caves below it (as far as im aware freecaming is banned) I also lit up any surrounding blocks and nothing would really spawn there. if you want to check it out its at wild s on smp7 its right out side the north of spawn and it looks like a big box. if you want ill show you the inside the next time we are both online
If you're afk area is 64 blocks above the water then caves should not be the issue. On EMC mobs will only spawn within 64 blocks. So if the only spawnable blocks are in your farm, then the issue is something else. Mobs also spawn differently here. In vanilla you can sometimes see 4-5 mobs spawn together. On EMC that is not the case. Sometimes might be 1-2. So there might not necessarily be anything wrong with your farm, just the rates are not as good. Also being close to spawn could also be the issue. If any other players are around they will also affect spawns as they would be spawning mobs as well and being closer to the ground, they'd have more spawnable area.
Whether it is light level or water/carts out of sync, I'd say something is certainly wrong Guilll. We have built a 4 floor test version of a generic mob farm for Pep's old area on smp8, and in 15 minutes, the drops were 8 arrow, 9 string, 7 gunpowder, 7 bone, and 2 rotten flesh. Something is hinky at your build for sure. Which creeper farm design did you use? Some things are weird on EMC that work fine in vanilla/singleplayer. For example, the generic mob farm we are using works fine in SP with 6 levels. On EMC, I had to cut it to 4 levels, and it still has occasional sync issues. If you have a youtube tutorial link for the farm you built, send it to me and I'll give it an eyeball. (On smp7, I am usually 100k+ blocks out in the wild. I'll check where my body is at atm when I get a chance if you need me to come in person.)
here is the link to the video I based it on: A Creeper Farm! (With Bonus Spiders) The Minecraft Survival ...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yxlp4AZouY I used the first version with the water instead of cats, with 5 platforms (the player kills the creepers not them being killed by magma blocks as they most the time wouldn't drop any gunpowder) , the water does occasionally get out of sync but it sorts itself out in between 10-30 seconds. I think my AFK area must be in the wrong place, I though you have to be 30 blocks away for hostile mobs to spawn, but not over 120 blocks as they'll despawn. ill try moving where I afk to be next to the farm. thanks for the help everyone! I hope I can get this farm working soon
One suggestion just to see what is going on, get close to your farm where you normally activate it and get a mob count. Type /entc and see what numbers you get. If you are around 60 hostile mobs then your farm probably will never work very well. Then you really do need to shut down any spawning. Also, over an ocean will always mess with mob counts as squids will spawn and stay around. Also, I looked at your video and I think that style farm might be very slow. Water control makes things go very slow to begin with. Also, since it is a large flat area for spawning you will get as many or more spiders with your creepers. If the y level is low enough, you will also get bats.
I know I have a creeper farm at my outpost that works pretty well. Dont remember the design we used though. We also dug out a roughly 128x128 block area for it as well to completely eliminate unwanted mob spawns.
We are using close to the same design. Our spawning platforms are 7 blocks from center, (not 8 like he said in the start of the tutorial on the video). We are using a simple drop kill so our spawning platforms do not start until 35+ blocks above our hoppers (the "splat" area). Our dispensers face down with an observer on top of each one. In a nutshell, ours is based off of this tutorial but we have 4 spawning floors and we had to do completely different redstone up on the ceiling for EMC. Our redstone includes a hopper timer with a stack of dirt, and then some trickery with repeaters/comparators. It gives us a longer pause for spawning and then a shorter signal/pause for water to dispense and flush. We found that the simple repeater timer in the video for spawning was way too short for EMC. If you want a copy of our redstone, holler and I'll get you the details. All credit to RDMaster for it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpluRG251UQ&t=684s Through a good bit of testing on EMC, we determined it operated best with only 4 spawning floors. Someone more clever than I am could probably improve on that, but for the stupid simple solution, 4 spawn floors. We also found through testing that we got the most spawns AFKing at 30 blocks above the ceiling of the build (in the center). This made ZERO sense to me based on EMC's spawning mechanics. There are days that I don't think EMC understands its own spawn mechanics. Empirical evidence does not lie though. For more information than anyone ever wanted to know about mob farms, check this video. My brain hurt after watching it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guvMmdeZqiI
Thanks ill change how long the Redstone timer is to allow longer for creepers to spawn (as right now it flushes every 3-4 seconds I think) , and ill afk above the farm. Ive noticed that spiders do spawn (which is strange as no creepers tend to spawn) but maybe only like two or 3 and they eventually get caught in the water system where they die, I can speed that up by replacing the last blocks on each platform with magma blocks ( which was something I planned to do when I got around to do some mining in the nether) Thanks everyone for the help! ill post an update on this farm when I make some changes !
when I /entc at the bottom of the farm it shows 2 monsters and 14 animals (although I have only just boded in the area) however about a minuet later it shows 21 monsters and 4 animals. ? and there was only 1 spider inside the farm :/