[AUCTION] Elytra Mayhem!!

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Ariesis, Apr 8, 2019.

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  1. Item: Single Shulker of Elytra's
    Starting bid: 150k
    Minimum bid increase: 1k
    Auction ends 48 hours after last valid bid. Pick up will be at /v 15391
    OriginalScuf likes this.
  2. Bump!!
    Will you let him take this fly of a deal?!?!
  3. Bump!!
    Still very cheap for a SC of Elytra's. Will Kev steal the deal or will ChumMiner come back with a killer bid???!
  4. 12 hour bump I don't think so this is more like an 8 hour bump. Remember new auction rules you can only bump once every 12 hours after last valid bid
  5. 180k
    Also, you're supposed to wait 12 hours after someone posts to bump, Aries.
    Arieskidatheart likes this.
  6. Thank you xD
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  7. Thank you
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  8. 190k because I love dis and hate rulez <3
    Arieskidatheart likes this.
  9. Bump,!!
    ChumMiner with 220k, will the other bidders let him snatch this deal up??
  10. BUMP!!
  11. You won the auction!! I will set up the signs when I get back tomorrow. I am camping. Thank you for everyone who participated
    ChumMiner and Tbird1128 like this.
  12. ChumMiner, would you like me to mail it, since you own the shulker box now?
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