The last too comment on this thread wins

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Eclipce, Sep 26, 2018.


Am I annoying?

No 27 vote(s) 17.8%
Very 13 vote(s) 8.6%
Not really 9 vote(s) 5.9%
Yes 15 vote(s) 9.9%
A little 6 vote(s) 3.9%
Who are you? 70 vote(s) 46.1%
I told you to go away 12 vote(s) 7.9%
  1. Yes you
  2. Not me
  3. Then me??
  4. then who
  5. I said me
  6. Nah, its noone
  7. 'cept me :cool: :cool: :cool: *dabs*
  8. its everyone and noone at the same time
  9. Cheese wiz kills
  10. No... I kill... Don't interpret that wrongly
  11. We kill <3 (look man i need money and selling murder on craigslist is a good source of income)
  12. I'm a broke middle schooler, I NEED that money
  13. me too ;-;
  14. And the movie goes on and on and on and on and on
  15. strangers waiting,
    up and down the boulevard

    If I know what your doing
  16. My dad can't seem to comprehend "property" (i paid for my computer with my own money btw) He just can seem to understand my computer is mine and i should be able to manage my own time on it.
  17. ` ` ` `.:i**++***;:.. ``` ` ` `` ` `` .:i**;,,,,,,,;:;i*;`` `` . `` `` `.`.i*,;n#;.,:,,,#*,:,,;*:. . ` `. . ,;i:,,:;;,,::,,:.:.,,,,.;* ` `` :*;:,,:,,:,,:,,,:,.:,,,,,,,;*` .` .#x:,,,,::,,,,,,;+i.::,:,,.:,,;i `` `;#z*,,,:;;,.,::,:*z+:,,,,;zi,;..i; . `*;.:,,:,*xxi.:.,,,,,,,,,:,;*,,,:::i: ` ` ` , ,+:.,,:,,:**;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+. ` ` ;*:.:;.:.,,,::::,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,i; `` ` ` ``:i,,,.,.,::::,,.,:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:,,:*` :*,,:;i::.:,,,,::,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*. ` `,z,,,;nz..,:::,,,,,:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;; `` ` .`x*:,,:*:.,:,;*++*:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,* ``` ` **:,,:,,,:,;*i:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:,,,* ` `.,.. `:i,.,,,,,,,**::,,:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:,.:* .;i;:;; `+,,,:,,,,:#:,,,,,,,:::,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:,,:.+ ` `` ```.:;i+i+i:,,,,* `.;:,,,:,,:+:,:,,,;+#*i;,,,::,,,,,,,,,,,,:,,:.,+ ` ` .,iiiii;:,,:.,,:,:.i `i,,,i:,,,*::,;,i+i,,,,,.,,,.,,:,,,,,,,,,:,,:,,* ` .`;i;,:::,,,.,:,,:,:,:; `+,,ini.,:*:.,,+i,,:,,:,,::i+#*;,,,,,,,,,,,,,:,i ```*;::,,,,,,::,.:,:,,:*, ,i,:+z;,::,,:;*:,:,,:,.:***;,,,:,,,,,,,,,,,,,:i, ` ,+,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,:.,;+*. ;,,,ii.,,,:,,#,::,:,,i+*::,,::,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:.+` `:i:;,,:,,,:,,,,,::.:*ix,` i,:.,,.,::`;z,,,:,,i+*::,,,,,,,:,,,,,,,,,:,,::i `i;..:,,:,,,,,,,,..i;;@; +,,,,,:,,,;+,:::,;*i:,,,:;i**;,,,,,,,,,,,,,:,+.` ,;:,:,,:,,,,,,,,,,i;in: ` zi,,,::,,:i:,,,,i+:,,:,:#;.,,;+i,::,,;.,,:,,:i` `` ` *,,:,,,,,,:,,,:;#nxi+,` #:,::,,::.*,,,:ii:.::,:*`:....,;i,.;,.:,,.:.*. ` ` `;*,.,,,,::,,:;;in#zx+, ` *,,,,,,,,:,:,,*i:.:::,:i`,..,...:*,,::.::,.i; ```` ``.ii:,,,,..,.;i;iiinnMi `. ` ;,:;;,,,,,,,,*;:,,;,,,*:...,.....:*,,,:,,:,*` ` `` :*,.,,,,::,,;;;;i;;#+. . ` ::,z+:,,,:,,;*:,,,,,:,+.`,..,..,..;*.:.:,,+.` `` `` ` .*i.,.,:,.,,,:;i+#nx*. ` ` .i,#*,,,,:,:*,:,:::,:.*:,..``...,`.+,,:,,*: ` `;*,,:,:,,:::,,i;inM+, .` ` `*,:,,:,,.:;;,.:,;*ii;i,.`,,.,...,,`+,:,.+`` ` `.+;.,,,:,:,,:i*;;#*;. .` `` i:,,,,:,:,+,::,+:,`:i*+.,.:zz,..`,,i;,,,.*` ,:;i;:.` `:*.,:,,,,,,;*:..., `` ` ` ` ` ;;,,,,:,,:*,,:+,,.....#,..;WW;..,`.,i,:,:;**i:::::**``` ` `` ,*i.,,,:,.,;*:` ` *.,:.:,,:;,,:i`......:i..,Mxn,:`,.`+:,,i+;.,:,,,,:::` `` `ii,,:,:,.:ii,` ` `i::,,,,,:,:,i:,`......+,,`#WW#.,,..:::,:,,:,,:;;;;,i` `` `.`,*:,:..:.,ii,`` `` ` . z.,;.,:,.:,i:..,.,...:*`..MMM*`,`.:i,:,,,,;++;::i*z.` ` .` `i;.,,.:,,i*: ` ` ` :*,,,,:,,:,;;`,.`,...`+,.,,WWMi.`.:*,.::;+*:,::,,.;;*i;,` `:+:.:,,:,;*,` `` . ;*,,,,,:,,:*...;+;.,:`#,..*x@W...:i:::i*:.,:,:,,,:,,:,i**++,.:,.,:i:`` `` ` ,*,:,,,,,,*,`.n@z,...:*...iM+,..*:.:*i,:::,,:::,,,,,.,,.:ii:`.i*;`` `` ` ,+i::.,,.i:..#MM+..,i;#,``,.``ii,:+;,,,.,::,,:::,:,:,,:.,+`i*:` ` ` ,;*****i+.`.MMWi`.*::+*,.,.*i.*+,,,,,,.,,:,,,,,,:,,,,,i*i:` ` ``` `` :,,.;WxMi.+,,,:*++i;.*i,,:,.,,;:;,,::,:,,,:,:+z:`` `` `` ````;,..iWxWz;::,,:.#::*i,:..,:;;;;;*#z#*i;;+iizi`. `.*`,.iWMW;,.::,;,++:.,,;:;;i*ii;++*z#i;+nxi` ` `` `` ``+,``;nz;.::,,,;+:::,::i;#xnx+:znzz+;in;. ` ` `` *;,``i:,,..:;+:,:,.,*``.+xzx+**+##z#+ `` ` ,#+**n::,,::*:,,,,:#zi.iz+z#z#zn#+++z``` ` ` ` .+,,,:;;.:,:+,.,,:,##+zxz##*+#z#+##++#.` ` ` ` ``*:.:,,:;,,;+,:,:,,*i+z+*M+#####+###+zi. ` ` ;:,:.,,;*.i*,,,,,:*;::*z+zn+#z++#*+#n:.` ``i:..::ii+;*:::,,,i*,:.:+#+x+#z+#+zn+`, ` .*,,::*i,+i,,:,,,:+.:,:,:z#nz##+z#*,`. `` ` :::,:+;,;i:,:,,,:*::`:,:.znnz##M:.` `. :i.:+,:;*,::,::,+:,,,,,,:izz###+#.` ` ` `,;,,i:;+,,,,,.:;i,.,:,:,:;##++###+`` ` .;::,.#:.:,,:,,+.:,.,,,:.iz+#####+i` ` *:,:*:,:,,,,.+::,,,,,:,:+#+####z+#:` ` .;i#i,:,:,,:;;.:::,,,,.;##+######+#`` ` ``i,,,,,:,:#,:,.,,,.,;+#++#######z; .` :;,,,,,,,*z*,::,,,::+##+##+#z####z`` `*,.,,,,::x*zn*::::*x++####+##+z+#zi`` `,;.,:,,:.z+##+*#Mn:.;#++###+#+#####z.` ` `;,:,..;,+#+#+*zzi. `n#++####+#+z+#zi` . `+,,,::.+z+#z#n+, ```++z#+####+####+z` `##,:;+zz**zz+``` `;z#+####+######z, ` iznn+++znzi.``` `:z#+############i`` ` .;##+i,.```.` `.z############++z` `` `` ``` `` ` ``n############++z. ` ` ` `` `` .z##+##########+z,` ` `` ` `:z##+##########+#i` `` `` `` `*##############+#+` ` ` ``++#+####+#########`` `` `.zz#############++#```` `i############++###z.` ` ``z+##+###+###++++++z.`` ` ,z*###++###+++###++z.`` ` i++++#znz++##zzz#+#z.` `z+#z#*:,,,,,,.,;+z#n.` ` `###*:,::,.,,::,,,:*#.` ` ` i+,,,,,,,,:,,,,:,,:*``` `,:,,,,,,,:,,:,:,,,:,` `` ` i,,,,:,:,.:,:,:,,:i, ` ` .*,,,::.,:,,:,..:,.*` ` ` ` i;,:,,,,,,::,,:,,,i: ` ` ` `*.:,:,.::,,,,,:,,;z` ` :;,,:i:.,,,,,:,,:ii* `` `i,,,**i:,,,,*,,;*;:i `` ,;,.:+::++++i+,,;i,.i` ` ` `;,,,*:,:,:i..i,,;;,,: :..`i.`.`.: ,``..``.
    NuclearBobomb likes this.
  18. So many comments:eek:
  19. Maybe, if your good :aikar: