Discussion in 'Buying' started by Kryarias, Jan 20, 2019.

  1. Hmm...I kind of need the materials so...no. not for that price. I decided to keep the chests, but if ya raise the price for the glass and leaves I'll probably sell them.
    For both glass and leaves I'd do 10K
    FadedMartian likes this.
  2. Lol I was joking :) That's nice of ya
    FadedMartian likes this.
  3. 12.5k?
  4. I've got glass, 8k a dc?
  5. Sure, will pay 20k when I am next on. Pickup where?
  6. I can not go to your res because I am out in the wild on SMP4, also bump.
    Top_Benny likes this.
  7. Its actually 3dc so 24k?
  8. Kk set up an acces chest at your res and I’ll put it there.
  9. Yeah, I'll set up a access chest on res 4000 on smp2. I have to smelt a sc rn but then I'll have it all
  10. sorry i got the glass
  11. Ok np
    Kryarias likes this.