[AMA] Gaming Comander Edition

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Gaming_Comander, Dec 31, 2018.

  1. It's been 2 years since I joined in game and I've gotten to be know so many of you, but I reckon after all to this time you may be curious about me, since I hardly reveal facts about me. So let me have it, ask me anything and I will show the tRuTh
    MoreMoople, SkeleTin007 and top_benny like this.
  2. Nice, what’s you favourite thing about EMC? what your favorited thing about MC, what your favourite thing about Waffles
  3. 1: The Funny community
    2: The ability to build
    3: Everything
    top_benny likes this.
  4. What made you get into Minecraft?
  5. THE_OP_VILLAGER actually. For my birthday he bought it for me since I didn't have it and he would play it whenever I came over. To tell you all the truth, I thought EMC was lame before
    I actually owned MC, but look at me now XD
    top_benny likes this.
  6. Happy 2!
    So a q? Eh? How did you and OP actually meet then? And do you both like the same music??
    top_benny likes this.
  7. We met in a daycare about a decade ago. As for music, I'm not sure since I'm a guy who likes 80s music
    top_benny likes this.
  8. Ahh yesss my greatest mistake

    Edit: I like 80’s too
    top_benny likes this.
  9. Woot! Gratz on 2yrs :)

    What is your least favorite food? What is your favorite event on EMC?

    If you could change one thing on EMC, what would it be?
    top_benny likes this.
  10. Congratulations on 2 years! :D

    What's your favorite and least favorite block in Minecraft?
  11. Least favorite food: Villager Meat XD nah it's actually Calamari
    Favorite Event: Mob Arena
    What I would change: the interactiveness between players as most of the time it's a handful of players that type in the chat unless told otherwise
    MoreMoople and top_benny like this.
  12. Favorite Block: TNT!!!!!
    Least favorite block: Coral from 1.13
    top_benny and CarFryer like this.