I Want YOU for a Party!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Slvr, Oct 23, 2018.

  1. Hey guys! I have a project in Latin coming up (bear with me, it's fun, I promise!) and my teacher made an interesting remark: we could make a Minecraft video if we wanted. I don't have the editing software or experience to make it 100% a Minecraft video, but I figured I could certainly add humor to it with it!

    The reason she brought that up though is that there is a creator on YouTube known as Magister Craft who teaches quite a lot about Latin and the Romans using Minecraft!

    The project is about the Roman holiday Megalesia, which was somewhat of a cult holiday for them. The short videos will be used for humorous effect in my powerpoint project and draw some interest from people, haha.

    Anyway, what do I want from you guys? Nothing much, I just need bodies to show up! I want to film three scenes.

    1. A parade of people dressed as priests (to add to the gag, you could change your skins temporarily to purple-robed villagers! But if not, I can throw out some purple leather stuff at you :p ) jumping around and making their way down the path. A horse carriage will be present and atop of that will be a statue of a woman. (For the sake of time and because it's meant to be humorous, it'll be an armor stand with a villager head.) Basically, I just want 30 seconds or so of people jumping around and acting like they're having fun. It's a parade! It's a party! :p
    2. Two players riding in on a horse, causing people to scatter. (Megalesia was technically not legal for the most part.) Whoever gets to ride the horses gets to also shout "The party is over!" in Latin into chat. lol
    3. The third scene is another short scene where instead of the parade, we are now inside of a house. Two players dressed as Roman royals (white robe with a purple stripe - I can make the skin if there isn't one already out there lol) will continuously place blocks in front of each other that slowly increase in value until one plops down a gold block, ending the contest. (This is because during Megalesia, the Romans had to actually lawfully limit the royals' expenditure on the holiday because they would go to such great lengths to try to outclass their peers!)
    Each scene is just a few seconds long and will take place at my third residence on SMP8. I will build it up before the filming is to take place. I figured this would be more fun than throwing down a bunch of villagers and trying to force them to move how I want with invisible zombies in creative :p
    - Extras (parade people - no limit)
    Purple priest villager skin would be preferred, but I will hand out purple leather armor if you can't figure it out! :D
    - Horse Rider 1
    Horse and saddle + horse armor will be provided. You can keep them. You will shout "Fēstum est effectum!" at some point into chat. This is "The festival is done!" translated directly, but is meant to come off as more of "A'ight, the party's over!" Google translated tells you that "effectum" means effect. Effect does come from this word but it was used to mean "done" or "finished" as well, lol. And we will be in group chat so it's legal I promise
    - Horse Rider 2
    Horse and saddle + horse armor will be provided. You can keep them. You will also shout "Fēstum est effectum!" into chat.
    - Royal Roman 1
    All materials will be provided. A royal Roman skin would be preferred; but I can give white leather armor beforehand if you're uncomfortable with changing your skin.
    - Royal Roman 2
    All materials will be provided. A royal Roman skin would be preferred; but I can give white leather armor beforehand if you're uncomfortable with changing your skin. Both Royal Romans will have one coal block, one glowstone, one iron block, one redstone block, one lapis block, and a gold block. You can place them in any order, but the gold block has to be last. (Will be explained in more detail on the day of filming)
    If you want to be any of the single roles but someone else has already claimed it, try to claim it anyway. On the 26th, I'm going to put the names through a randomizer. So make sure to only say you want the bit if you really want to do it, please. :p



    Filming will take place October 28th, at 4PM EMC time.

    Player names will be hidden except for scene #2, because I need to get the two players saying the party is over. I will be in F1 recording except for scene 2. If you don't wish for your username to be visible in the video, please avoid taking part in scene 2.

    While I would love to provide prizes and so on, I feel that would be a little cheaty. :p So your reward for helping is whatever materials are loaned to you for filming (armor, props, etc) and just getting to hang out and have fun. Cause I'll be happy to host a Riddle Blocks or something if/when it's all said and done. C'mon... it's a party!

    Questions? Post below or PM me if you like!
    Ok guys... don't leave me hanging. :p
  2. Villagers priests...

    IM IN!!!!!
    FadedMartian and Slvr like this.
  3. I'll be Horse Rider 1 and I'll change my skin! This is a great idea Slvr, I love this!
    FadedMartian and Slvr like this.
  4. I wanna be a part of this--- I will be Horse Rider 2
    Slvr and Otus_NigRum like this.
  5. I’ll be a villager
    Slvr likes this.
  6. Folks:
    I bet you have never seen a Martian (or alien.. shuuushh) riding a nay nay... UNTIL NOW! :D

    Partay time
    Slvr likes this.
  7. You’ve never seen a illager as villager until now hrmm hrmm hrmm
    Slvr and FadedMartian like this.
  8. This is a great idea! A friend of mine recently did a minecraft video for school (lol) and it was a documentary about a park someplace nearby us! I would show up, but I am rather busy this week! Cool idea!

    SkeleTin007, Slvr and FadedMartian like this.
  9. I think this is amazing!!!

    I will be the horse rider #1 :p
  10. I'll have to pass, sorry :/
  11. Awesome guys, thanks! Any of you horse riders wanna exchange a saddle for a toga? The royal romans are still open to be played as :D
    FadedMartian likes this.
  12. Could I chant toga if I were to switch? :p
  13. sure :p
    FadedMartian likes this.
  14. I noticed you have no Romans, then I will be the mighty one and join the fun
    FadedMartian likes this.
  15. Ill even make a skin of me in a roman suit
    FadedMartian likes this.
  16. Ooo good Idea... I should do that :p
  17. Slvr, I can do any role you want, I doesn't matter to me, if you need duo roles, count me in
  18. Sure we can have you as a royal roman! :p I'll update OP now :)
  19. I can try to show up. :)

    If anyone could link what this costume should look like I can change my skin for the party. (*cough* Slvr *cough*)
    Slvr likes this.
  20. If you just wanna be a regular partygoer, your usual skin with leather armor works fine! Brown or pink. Or you could use a cleric villager skin.

    purplebook163 likes this.