Goodbye EmpireMinecraft

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by MoreMoonshine, Aug 12, 2018.

  1. I have been playing for awhile on my alternative account rn, "MoreMoonshine" I have been playing for about 3-4 years and now I must say goodbye to start fulfilling my dreams of running a gym with my best friend Gavin. I will hopefully be back, occasionally but for now I must say goodbye, an especially big goodbye to...

    and the several others who have been nice and assisted me in my journey through emc.

    Thank you to everyone, and I thank Aikar for giving me the time I have spent on emc possible.
    Bromine_XD, Elite, Yixomua and 13 others like this.
  2. Good lucky with the Gym, hope you visit once and a while.
    MoreMoonshine likes this.
  3. Good luck brother!
    MoreMoonshine likes this.
  4. Congrats on following your heart and doing something you love. Best of luck!
    MoreMoonshine and OriginalScuf like this.
  5. Good luck running a gym! Safe travels wherever you end up!
    MoreMoonshine likes this.
  6. Good luck with your dreams! We'll be here if you every return :)
    MoreMoonshine likes this.
  7. Have fun out there! Don't give up, follow your dreams, and do not fear coming back here if you need anything! May your journeys bless you. Goodbye!
    MoreMoonshine likes this.
  8. pokemon gym or bodybuilding gym?
    MoreMoonshine and Sazukemono like this.
  9. It's great that you're following your dreams. Good luck! :)
    Stop by every once in a while and update us if you're able to!
    MoreMoonshine likes this.
  10. Good luck with your dreams! Make sure to keep us updated :) We care very much!
    MoreMoonshine and MoreMoople like this.
  11. Congratulations! That sounds pretty exciting! :D I wish you great success in your dreams!! Hopefully you find all that you need to make yourself happy and healthy for a long time :)

    Come back to visit us sometime soon!
    MoreMoonshine and MoreMoople like this.
  12. Asking the important questions! We need to know this OP :eek:

    In seriousness - I'll be sad to see you go, it's been fun seeing you hang around on SMP7 when I've been on, had a few nice discussions with you :) Good luck to you though and I hope everything goes well!
  13. Glad to see you doing something you love! I wish you the best of luck and your always welcome back to the empire! :)
    MoreMoonshine likes this.
  14. Have fun running a gym

    One suggestion play the minecraft music some time in the gym 😂🎶
    MoreMoonshine likes this.
  15. Good luck with the gym.
  16. miss u
    MoreMoonshine likes this.
  17. A BodyBuilding Gym.
  18. good thing you are leaving, cause i was just possessed by a demon ss on 8
    MoreMoonshine likes this.
  19. I honestly, truthfully, wish you all the best.

    But at the same time I am also growing a bit concerned about all the die hards and veterans taking off. Then we get a new set of rules which apparently (the vote is still active) a majority doesn't like and... I don't know anymore.
    MoreMoonshine and FadedMartian like this.
  20. I sure as hell hope this gym goes well, because the equipment is gonna be soooooo expensive.