[Auction] 20 DC of Bones

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by 99marvel, Jul 12, 2018.

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  1. 1.25r per bone =
    86,400r Bid
  2. Cool, we hit triple digits :D
  3. It's a battle of the bones, I mean bids :D
  4. Hmm...I usually bid on auctions when they are of value to me. If I can find the item for the same price in a shop everyday, then the auction no longer benefits me other than the potential quantity, or unless it is an item I am desperately in need of. I actually have several DC of bones, but have felt this was potentially a good deal up to this point. As such, I am making a final bid of 1.8r per bone which = 124,416r

    The competitive side would continue many rounds, in an effort to truly pad 99marvel's pockets well beyond the value of these bones. I am, however, striving to live a "Tempered" life, and not succumb to petty desires, but rather operate in a logical realm of reason. Even though this amount would be quite taxing on my available resources atm, the backing of others could fuel such an endeavor, but would be very selfish and a horrible mismanagement of resources entrusted to me.

    If you truly need these bones Cissonius, then simply bid once more. Insomuch, I hope they serve you well, if this is the path you choose. Otherwise, my companions and I have a use for them.

    Tempered Outpost Founder
  5. I kind of love how KnightZer0ne literally wrote a letter into the an auction, which is a first for me, then Cissonius just casually puts another bid in :D
    KJHaddrell01 likes this.
  6. like a boss lol. it is just how I roll
    KJHaddrell01 likes this.
  7. not only that but it was the min bet
    KJHaddrell01 likes this.
  8. 22 (ish) hours!
  9. Cissonius, you have won with 124,916 rupees. :) If you'd be ever so kind to send those to me I'll have your pickup set up shortly; it'll be at /v +99pickup on smp9. thanks!
  10. I am not on today but will be on tomorrow and will get that to you as soon as I am on
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