[AUCTION] Maxed Enchanted Diamond Armor / Gear

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by WeezerNL, Jun 29, 2018.

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  1. Bump@16k-2
  2. Exscuse me....
    18K :eek:
    WeezerNL likes this.
  3. BUMP @ 18k
  4. Bump @ 18k-2
  5. Bump@20k-2
  6. BUMP@20k-3
  7. BUMP@20k-4. In about 7.5 hours this auction is done if there are no more bids.
  8. You have won. Please send payment when you can. I will setup the chest for you.
  9. Hype
  10. I have received payment and a chest with access for chespinlover77 has been setup.

    thread can be closed.
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