[CLOSED] The Castle

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by qu3sti0n, Jun 24, 2018.

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  1. The Castle
    Coming Soon...

    What Is The Castle?
    The Castle is basically a place to have fun and celebrate. For example, there will be a royal wedding and then a drop party to have fun. Another example is sometimes the King will appear in town and give free things to people.

    Who Is Apart Of The Royal Family?
    King - ThaKingOfEMC
    Queen - TBD
    Prince - TBD
    Princess - TBD
    Director Of The Castle - rhxa

    The Castle will take any and all donations, the donations are used for paying builders, buying drop party items, give aways and other things like that that benefit the community. To donate rupees please type this: /rpay ThaKingOfEMC [donation amount] The Castle.

    The Castle Status: Raising Money - 3.1 Million Goal
  2. Looks great! Can't wait to see how it comes out!
    ThaKingOfEMC likes this.
  3. I would like to add that I am not trying to be popular or something, we are just making a fun way to have fun events.
  4. BUMP, still trying to get to that 3million rupee goal!
  5. C
    Can I ask how many ruppes have you got thus far for this project?
    FadedMartian likes this.
  6. Have you got a design yet?
  7. Well, I was talking to some people and they said I should invest in something to get a greater return. So thats what I did with my rupees that were gonna go towards it. I am hoping to make more back then I spent on it.
    FadedMartian likes this.
  8. Donate today to help us reach our 3 million rupee goal.
  9. Bump, may I add we may have 1 million in donations (from me) depending on what happens.
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