Weapons/ tools: 40% used Cupid's Bow (unb III) - offer 2 stacks of Cupid's Arrow and an additional 8 - 2k per stack Barely used Liberty Sword - offer 2x Stuffing Scooper - 30k (Annual) Turkey Slicer - 27k Chicken Skewer - 35k Momentus's Toothpick - 22k Barely used Meteor Bow - offer 3x Holiday Axe - 25k Fireworks: (2015) #Empire Firework# - 25k 2x (2017) *Empire Firework* - 12k Eggs: 2x Easter Bunny (Brown Egg) - 32k 2x Vixen - 22k 3x /promo newplayer Starter Horse - 5k Other: 2x Santa's Magic Bag - 20k 3x Blizz Ard's Eye - 20k Pot of Gold - 25k Dragon Stone - 5k 21x Cooked Turkey - 500r 4x Stacked Zombie Virus - offer 14x Haunted Candy - 10r 21x Shiny Flesh - 10r 3x Haunted Candy - 10r 3x Magical Eggcellent Wand - 12k (Annual) Avalauncher - 9.5k ALL PRICES ARE FOR SINGULAR ITEMS UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. MOST PRICES ARE NEGOTIABLE. ALSO WILLING TO TRADE SOME OR ALL FOR MORE EXPENSIVE/ RARE PROMOS