[Auction] Misc Promos

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Gage9942, Mar 4, 2018.

  1. Auctioning:
    1-Candy Cane Sword
    1-Emergency Snow Clearing Device
    3-Meteor Bows
    2-Remembrance Poppies 2015
    5-Vault Vouchers
    5-Stable Vouchers
    Starting Bid: 5,000r
    Minimum Bid Increase: 1,000r
    Auction Ends: 48 Hours After Last Valid Bid
    Preview @ 6106 on SMP3
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  2. guy.

    Velma_T_Jinkies likes this.
  3. last bump? :p
  4. You won! I can set up access or mail once I receive payment! :)
  5. Yo did i ever pay you
  6. You can check the rupees transaction page by going to My Empire>Rupee History at the top of the page! :)
    FriskyBetta and Velma_T_Jinkies like this.
  7. No
  8. I have put up an access sign on 6106, or I can mail them to you :)