[POLL] What's your favorite pancake mix?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by poofasaurus, Feb 27, 2018.


What's your favorite pancake mix?

Hungry Jack 2 vote(s) 11.8%
Aunt Jemima 2 vote(s) 11.8%
Krusteaz 4 vote(s) 23.5%
Bisquick 7 vote(s) 41.2%
Store Brand 1 vote(s) 5.9%
Other 6 vote(s) 35.3%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. My son's birthday party is Saturday. It's a flannel themed brunch and we're serving a bunch of stuff, the main dish being pancakes. I haven't eaten pancakes in years, rarely do I eat any sort of bread-like carb, so I have no idea what I'm looking for in a pancake other than cheap enough to feed a crowd, easy to make (not homemade), and easy to grill? griddle? fry? Mr_Poof_ will be making them so basically they can't burn easily, lol.

    Tell me what you love and if I'm missing something, lemme know!
    khixan, MoreMoople and SkeleTin007 like this.
  2. Well most of the time I start form scratch with hint of cinnamon which is rare nowadays.
  3. I don't like pancakes so I don't eat em much, but when I do have them my mom uses Bisquick. It tastes pretty good, can't compare them to other brands though as I've only tried Bisquick.
    FadedMartian and poofasaurus like this.
  4. Bisquick was reliable when I was younger, but it's mostly all about how you make them. ;) That's the tough part. Just have fun with it. Also, Krusteaz, I used their waffle mix, pretty good. But Idk about their pancake mix. xD But I've tried like no other brands.
    FadedMartian and poofasaurus like this.
  5. Bisquick, cause camping. End of search. Make the edges crispy.
    FadedMartian, q1zx and poofasaurus like this.
  6. Nah, just get pre-cooked and heat them up. Well, then again, we were in fifth grade then. xD
    poofasaurus likes this.
  7. Blasphemy!!!
    poofasaurus likes this.
  8. Hm never heard of that brand, is it good?

    LordessLevy and poofasaurus like this.
  9. I can't find this brand online... >.<
    poofasaurus likes this.
  10. I think the mix you use doesn't matter as much as how you bake them. For example, baking them on gas makes them alot better than baking on induction plates. Also, how thick you make them, how wide, of course when you flip them..

    You can also do alot of stuff with for example adding cheese or ham.

    However I am not a master-chef or something, so I wouldn't know the best ways of baking them myself either :p

    Edit: as for my favourite mix, in the Neterlands we have all kinds of different brands so I am affraid I can't help with that.
  11. Just do it homemade, Betty Crocker's Cookbook has an amazing recipe that I always use.
  12. Any kind of brand will do even when I like to add fresh fruit into them
    poofasaurus and ChespinLover77 like this.
  13. Putting... Healthy things on pancakes...? :eek:
  14. I am ketogenic so I make my own pork rind pancake
    poofasaurus likes this.
    Pancakes/waffles= happy Moople ^_^
    If I'm making pancakes, I like to use the Bisquick mix. Cutting up strawberries and adding those to it tastes really good as well =D
    I typically just heat some store bought ones up in a microwave though. De Wafelbakkers is the brand I get, I think... I always eat those with Aunt Jemima's butter light syrup, and occasionally add banana. =)
    poofasaurus likes this.
  16. If you have a griddle at home, nothing beats fresh, homemade pancakes. I can't cook to save my life but good lord can I make some pancakes.

    EDIT- it's also absolutely worth the 8 or 9 dollars for organic syrup. You will never go back to a high-fructose pancake syrup.
    khixan and poofasaurus like this.
  17. I never used that stuff when I ate pancakes. Also, homemade I'm sure is great, but for 50 people it gets a little much.
  18. Ahhhh, way too many people. Uhh, in that case I would go with Bisquick. They make good mixes.
    poofasaurus and khixan like this.
  19. For that many people I'd go with Bisquick. It's fairly un-screw-uppable. It's what Kye learned with when he was about 7 or 8 yrs old.

    If you don't own a griddle, I'd recommend investing the $20-$30. Here's one just so you know what I'm talking about (I don't have this particular griddle, I'm not recommending it specifically, etc ) click

    The griddle should give you great temperature control, and that's what you need for pancakes. It's also nice and big. Gonna need that too!

    Pancakes are all about the toppings anyways :D Berries, whip cream, real maple syrup, etc! Hope you all have a great party! Love the theme for it!
    poofasaurus, MoreMoople and Tuqueque like this.