I actually don't know if I've been to one of these before... Should be fun [EDIT] Is Chin twerking in the banner? O-o
I wish I could come but I don't have the armor and tools, and don't have rupees to buy them or time to gather them
I cannot wait to see how things have changed since the last few of these me and Toade were to evenly matched
He's watching our backs in case the players start climbing up the other side of the platform. Or at least that's the best I could come up with.
He's getting the heck out of there. xD Letting the others distract the people trying to kill them all while he makes an escape. Chin is truly Evil.
I can easily figure out what happened to the mods. Chin most likely sent them to talk with the people trying to kill them. Making the poor mods believe that they could actually talk things out with them. When really they were just a sacrifice to slow them down some for Chin to get further away. Now the rest of staff are next.
I have no secret plans like team with Eviltoade and take out everyone if that's what you guys were wondering... no? Phew I am happy