[CONTEST] Design for AC Inc. - 20k Prize!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by AlexC__, Jun 7, 2012.

  1. Hello all, I'm looking for a great graphics design person who can make me great logo/designs for AC Inc. - my EMC company.

    For an additional 5k, make a banner with the text "AC Inc. Auction!" and any other pictures. "AC" must use the same style as any other entries or your own.

    The design with the most likes wins (my opinion is the final judge) the 20k, and the "Auction" design with the most likes will win the 5k

    Winners have 2 weeks today (more time can be added if needed) to submit their design below.
    Remember, the sooner the entry the more the likes! Winners announced two days after that.


    THE IMAGE MUST CONTAIN INFORMATION ABOUT MY GRINDER BUSINESS AND MY COMPANY! PM if you would like to know more, but most of it is in my signature. HAS TO contain the text "Click my signature for more information and then contact me on the forums!"
    Design must feature the text 'AC" in it, preferably the way my signature is or differently if you think it is better.
    Please make it bright so it stands out!
    More will be added once I think of them!

    Good luck!
    roblikescake and hayleycolgan like this.
  2. How long have we got? I need two weeks.
  3. Sounds cool
  4. try eclipsys?
    marknaaijer likes this.
  5. I need a deadline
  6. I'll add a deadline :)
    NINJATTILA likes this.
  7. Added a two week deadline. Please submit your entries below and REMEMBER, it has to for fill the requirements!
  8. I wish I was good at graphic design :( I really should have taken it up after high school *sigh* The best I can do right now if paint :) but i will get back into my graphic side sometime soon!
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  9. Tisk, not good enough Hayley!
  10. You wish ;)
    marknaaijer likes this.
    marknaaijer likes this.
  12. I would like a background that is Minecraft related if possible, but if not, sunsets :)
  13. Alright! You want MC related...YOU GOT IT!

    Here it is...

    Version 2!!!!!

    Adjustments made:
    Added Clouds and a particular mob (LOL)
    C is now thinner and clings to the A.
    Information has been changed and is easier to read.

    OKAY V3:

    Font is bolder, Text slightly altered.
    Size alteration.
    So can you guys see the mob??
  14. Wow! That is great, is there any chance that 1. you can replace the last yellow paragraph with "Click my signature for more info and then contact me on the forums!" and 2. make the signature a little bit smaller, otherwise your entry can't win :/

    Also, if you could make the "C" a little bit thiner and cling into the "A" like in my signature that would be great!
  15. - Edited requirements.
  16. I will do adjustments tomorrow as I AM tired...
    AlexChance likes this.
  17. i have been building soo much and only done the a so far its past the clouds its soo big!
  18. To be honest, I don't want big.