Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by AmusedStew, Jan 25, 2018.

  1. This is a discussion thread on the DC TV Shows featured on the tv network "The CW".

    Haven't seen any of these shows? See Below!
    • Netflix has:
      • Arrow Season 1-5
      • Flash Season 1-3
      • Legends of Tomorrow Season 1-2
      • Supergirl Season 1-2
    • The CW App/Site has:
      • Most of the recent episodes of the most recent season(s)
    These shows derive alot from the comics but also do some original stuff so there is alot of theories and the show writers like to set up easter eggs for future seasons which is super cool and keeps you thinking.
    I am a big fan of these shows and watch the new episodes as they come out, so I want to know:

    • What your favorite of the shows are? Favorite season?
    • Have any theories you want to share?
  2. I’m on S3 of Arrow, but that was last year, so I’m starting over, but I’m starting to watch supergirl and it’s pretty good so far:D
    AmusedStew likes this.
  3. Out of the four series, The Flash is by far the best one imo, though it had its ups and downs. Supergirl has gotten much better in the 2nd/3rd season (1st season was slightly painful to watch, lol). I watched Arrow up to like, season 3, and stopped cause it just started to feel repetitive and boring (though from what I've heard, the past couple seasons got a lot better). Legends is alright. It's not the best, but it has at least been consistently entertaining to watch.

    The Flash is the only one I actually ever 'hold my breath' for when waiting for new episodes to come out, though. The writers for that show have done a really good job at creating a solid cast and storyline. Overall, all the shows seem to be doing good right now, so let's hope they can keep it up! :p
  4. Season 1 was produced by CBS instead of CW so it was slightly painful to watch. Arrow has gone downhill since season 3, I am sorry to say that even I dont count the days down until the next Arrow episode.

    Flash and Supergirl make me question the next episode- compared to the other 2, the show-writers like to build more suspense for the future than arrow/legends.

    Who do you believe the girl from the wedding and the end of episode 11 is? What kind of role will she play? Would love to hear what you think on that.
    Theomglover likes this.
  5. ik this is a DC thread, but Luke Cage is on Netflix and it's pretty dope. I super recommend. Only 1 season unfortunately but I loved it.
  6. I looooove Super Girl and The Flash! I'm also intrigued on how Black Lightning will turn out
    AmusedStew likes this.
  7. Last night's episode of Supergirl was great and that scene at the very beginning...

    I still cannot wait to see how the next few Flash episodes play out, especially with that outro scene in "The Elongated Knight Rises" (last weeks episode).

    Any thoughts anyone would like to share? Theories? :)
    ChespinLover77 likes this.
  8. I loved the happy ending st the end of last night's episode but then was so triggered when the warden talked to Barry >:O
    AmusedStew likes this.
  9. Yeah, This weeks episode was pretty cool. Some parts weren't very... good. The thing about this season though that I like so much more than other seasons is that each episode has me guessing. I mean, in previous seasons I could somewhat predict what would happen next but now... nothing. So to see the end of last night's episode I am now guessing, "what happens next?" and it wont leave my head! The next few weeks are gonna be epic.


    Now onto Black Lightning- I like the show, but I am sad to see it isn't a part of the arrowverse. The show has had a good start so far so we will see where it leads.
    ChespinLover77 likes this.