[Selling] Cheap Promos

Discussion in 'Selling' started by MissMashlet, Jan 4, 2018.


Are my prices reasonable?

Yes 6 vote(s) 85.7%
No 1 vote(s) 14.3%
  1. So, I was clearing my chests and found some promos. I don't collect them... i tend to hoard them so I'm going to sell them for those who wish to buy.

    [Blizzards eye] 7k
    [Blizzards nose] 7k
    [2016 EMC Birthday Cake] 15k
    [Avalauncher] 30k
    [Prancer] 30k
    [Cupid's Arrows] 8k for 32
    [Cooked Turkey] 3k for 2

    Please comment below or msg me in-game if you wish to buy any of these promos. I can be found on Smp5 :)

  2. I'll buy the 2016 cake please

    Edit: payment has been sent
    MissMashlet likes this.
  3. I'll take 8k arrows for 32r please. ;)
    MissMashlet likes this.
  4. Actually, q1zx. Thats 8,000r for 32 arrows :p
  5. Hehehe... Lol. The Cooked Turkey (in my opinion) is expensive.