Post an Obnoxious Lie about the Player Above.

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by cTJx, Oct 19, 2017.

  1. RidgeBeam is actually a GrooveBeam.
  2. mattie just did a lie to the correct person
  3. Sachrock knows when to be quiet
  4. ^ hates potatoes.
  5. Also hates potatoes
  6. also hates potatoes
  7. Tried to blow up parliament tonight in celebration of the 5th November. When asked why, he said he wanted the 'real deal' and not just a bunch of 'pansy fireworks', and said that Guy Fawkes, an overhyped Catholic terrorist, was a hero and it's 'disgusting that his effigies get burnt in bonfires'.
  8. Totally 100% doesn't know my plans...

    *looks around suspiciously*
  9. Spud is a potato harvester not an actual potato
  10. Gil is such a nub that he accidentally flipped the "b" in his name..
  11. Mattie is actually a egg
  12. Sach is good enough to be a potato.
  13. Mattie isn't actually a potato, he's just an underdeveloped strawberry
  14. There are 4 Phelps
    Phelps4 likes this.
  15. That isn't necessarily a lie depending on what you refer to. I'm the fourth of my name and Phelps is my last name so there are 4 of us :p
    Anyway, Sach puts his socks over his shoes
    Sachrock likes this.
  16. I was referring to there being 4 of yourself
    Phelps4 likes this.
  17. Sachrock is a prominent member
  18. Pete is Spongebob
  19. Sach is not Anon's sister, Sach is adopted
  20. Its meant to be lies xD

    Pete is a dog