[Auction] DC of Crafting Tables

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Gilixnup, Sep 27, 2017.

  1. I hadn't noticed but yes, title should have only the items being sold ( a Great Deal is not being sold).

    In addition, you cannot bid over yourself. This is seen as a way to prolong an auction until someone else bids.

    The current winning bid is by Deathconn at 102k and the auction will end in a little under 3 hours.

    Cleaned up thread.
  2. It's all in good fun, Bara :)

    I'll send 110k your way once I get home, Gilixnup
  3. I understand that but others have been known to bid twice to extend an auction in the hope that someone else will bid.

    And yes, at 100k more than the best price for crafting tables it is obviously joke bidding but ESCD's seem to have taken all the fun bidding for now.

    There should be no more bumps on this thread now until it is completed.
    deathconn likes this.