Auto farms

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by LDubb, Aug 18, 2017.

  1. Hello!

    Anyone know of a good tutorial that shows how to make an auto wheat/ beet/ carrot farm, using villagers?

    I've searched YouTube, but most I've found are for gaming systems and the like.

    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!
  2. Any farm for console should work just fine for PC.

    (Keep in mind that Mojang hates their own game, and must change the game mechanics every second they get, so I would recommend building it in creative first before using valuable resources, space, and time on EMC.)
  3. So much YES!! in what Carbonyx said. I always build in creative 1st and then when you bring it to emc mechanics change again. All the farms I built either worked fine in emc or I had to change very little. Most of it was redstone mechanics and some of the farms I took off youtube were 4 years old.

    I just go to google and type in "tutorial for XP farm in minecraft" or whatever farm you want, Pc's / Macs can handle them all. Never had a farm fail yet.

    There are many choices on what you want to build so my farm may be too resource heavy for you or too small. You will need to look it up as players build different or don't have the same resources.

    Hope this helps ;)
    Carbonyx likes this.
  4. One quick note is that on EMC farmer run auto farms do require a player to afk them. I do not remember the exact distances but I was think it was starting after 20 blocks then even farmers start to drop actions.
    Town: 16 blocks for villagers

    I'm not 100% sure on this restriction and how it exactly works with the working villagers that will farm, but I have seen them stop working all together only to pick right back up once someone is near.

    I actually built all my farms below a spot that I afk so that my afk spot is centered on the working area below and have borders for the farms that will not let the villagers exceed that number of blocks from my afk spot.

    Just something to get confirmed and keep in mind.
    Merek_Shadower likes this.