[Service] VTP Inc.

Discussion in 'Business Listings' started by ChespinLover77, Jun 8, 2017.

  1. Hello!

    A while back I had a business which you may or may not have heard of, called Emerald Co.

    Well I've very recently gotten back into the fascinating and fun art of villager trading (thanks to JohnKid <3) and thought why not make money doing what you love?

    I WILL be selling the following :
    - Emeralds
    - Sugarcane
    - Paper

    I am certain I will add a few more things in the future but for now this is all!

    VTP Inc (Villager Trading Post) will do orders from 1 stack - dc's (depending on what item you need)

    - Emeralds - I will not do anymore than 1 SC Per order.
    - Sugarcane and Paper - I'll do up to 10 dc's per order

    Pricing :

    x1 Stack- 960
    SC - 25.9k

    x1 Stack - 64
    SC - 1.7k
    DC - 3.4k

    x1 Stack - 100r
    SC - 1.8k
    DC - 3.5k
    Thanks, have a nice day
    - ches-
    Emeralds although are a choice on the form, are not available yet. As I will be stocking emeralds before selling to ensure a quick delivery
    jossytheninja likes this.
  2. Bump, order form will be out soon!
  3. One DC of sugarcane, placed promptly at my second res in Utopia.
    (Technically it's my first, but it's my second :p)
  4. Bump form added
  5. There are no prices yet:p
  6. Oh that would probably be a good idea.... thanks finch! XD