Hey Everyone! I'm Back! :)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Evealicexx, May 28, 2017.

  1. Hey Everyone,
    It's iCrazyEvestar here and nobody has heard from me in ages so I will be updating you on my life right now! So, I moved up to my grammar school in South Yorkshire, England last September and I am not joking, I absolutely hate it! I'm stuck with all the horrible teachers, I'm in year 7, lowest of the low and the amount of homework you get each night is horrendous. To be honest, I still love EMC and I really wish I could still play Minecraft with you all, but, again, with the amount of homework I get and the fact that we had to get rid of our 6 year old laptop for this one, where I made the account 'iEpicEve' but cannot log on as this computer is old now so it lags and crashes so in the long haul there's not a chance that I'd be able to continue playing!
    As most of you know, I am a huge fan of Sheffield United Football Club and had my very first season ticket last season and have another one again this season. We began the football season quite badly to be honest, but we picked ourselves up throughout end of October- November and were first in the league for Christmas, and we stayed there up until the final game, Sheffield 3-2 Chesterfield, 30th April 2017, Bramall Lane (Home) and it was truly glorious! I decided to write this because I am downstairs with my dad watching the Damned United, all about football- Derby and Leeds managers' rivalries and it reminded me of Tuesday Tree Choppers, when I was obsessed with the movie this time last year and it was all I went on about. This server brings back so many great memories. :D
    I came on to tell you that even though I cannot continue playing on this fabulous server, it will always hold a place in my heart and my childhood memories, so in place of that issue I've come up with a resolution. So, basically, every week I'm going to submit a little update on how things are going. And to those of you who are still reading and are not bored, congrats! You passed the 'Eve life story test'. I'd love to hear from all of you and it would be great if we could all stay in touch via EMC. So if anyone would like to message me, ask me any questions, have a football chat, a politics chat, have a bit of banter, you know who to call. I would also love to inform you of my social media! I have updated my youtube channel (links will be below) and now have Instagram and Snapchat. So if you would request to follow me and send me a cheerful 'Hiya' that'd be great! Alright then, I'll draw this all to an end now because you've probably fallen to sleep just reading to my rambling on. So, it's exactly 23:29, English time, Sunday 28th May 2017 and I will see you sometime next week!
    See you all soon!

    Youtube: (XxEve_sufc_vlogsxX) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuzuAF1qvWEnmjDjyx6jDow
    Instagram: eveee.x04
    Snapchat: xevepoulstxnx

  2. Hey! Glad your back bro! Missed ya :D
    We should for sure hang out on emc some time and catch up if you ever can get a new pc. :D
    Otherwise my inbox is always open!
    iCrazyEvestar likes this.
  3. Yeah definitely! We'll make a little forum group chat!:D
    ChespinLover77 likes this.
  4. Of course you hate it; it's a grammar school. :rolleyes:

    (This is spoken like a true working class Liverpudlian who despises the concept of grammar schools).

    Welcome back.
    iCrazyEvestar likes this.
  5. Hi! Yeah you're definitely right. I'm from Donny, thanks!:p