Add Back Item History

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by Cardman142, May 27, 2017.

  1. I am an EMC casino owner which means I need more currency. I way of currency at /v 200 is by renamed items, however some people buy them and have no idea what to do with them, so I am running low. I can't rename any as they don't stack because the ones I have have item history in them, while the others don't. If I redo the currency by renaming a bunch of materials, then it would take forever + other people would be able to rename other items and play for free. Many people take a look at my casino and think they can make one for themselves, however if they do exactly what I did they would easily get scammed. With item history being removed, then any item players rename stacks. In which, if a person who does not know any better just makes a machine they won't realize that people can just make fake currency and play for free. If you guys add it back, then I will be able to see who is renaming stuff you get free plays, make more currency, and new casino owners who don't use signed books won't get scammed.


    I think as well as others that chickeneer removed it to reduce logs on emc, however I think it is going to cause huge problems in the future.


    Tell me what YOU guys think about this issue.
  2. Well I personally don't think being passive aggressive is warranted, however this is a change that needs to be reverted. I don't own a casino but I use this feature frequently, and it needs to come back.[/quote]
  3. Best idea since Dragon Tombs. Maybe this one will actually be fully executed.

    Passive aggressive is better than aggressive, and he didn't say anything rude so no reason to criticize the choice of words.

    Hmm really sounds familiar, doesn't it :I
    FadedMartian likes this.
  4. The way I interpreted it was

    *wrinkled nose*

    *angry face*

    THANKS to Chickeneer *eye roll* for removing itemhistory *scoff*
  5. [/quote]

    I got rid of it >.<
    Carbonyx likes this.
  6. But that's not what he said. I actually don't see anywhere in the OP where he said what you quoted him with, however it may have been edited.

    EDIT : Never mind he did say it, but still, you're adding all sorts of words to this phrase that were not there originally.
  7. Wait, /itemhistory is gone? I just tried it in-game and it seems to be functioning (the command atleast executed and didn't bring up an error)...

    I really hope it isn't so, I use this all the time and this is the one suggestion I've ever made that has been added
  8. /itemhistory was working for me earlier.
  9. We never got rid of /itemhistory... Please don't blame me for things I didn't do...
    ChespinLover77 and WitherDoggie like this.
  10. You made a thread about it + when I rename stuff as of 1.9+ it does not show up as I renamed it as /itemhistory.
  11. On an old renamed item. try renaming an item and doing /itemhistory

  12. It was edited. The exact phrase that was in the OP was

    "Thanks to chickeneer for removing itemhistory"
  13. lol I hate to be a spoiler, but I had item history as 2 words, so it would not be quoted.
    EmpireMall likes this.
  14. I was referring to that you can not edit an item to make it say you edited it. That is kind of sort of important to me, so no one can just make fake currency. You can no longer do that, so I made this thread to convince you or other staffs to try and add it back. I was told you did it to remove logs and that you would add it back, but I have not seen it.
  15. Close enough :p
  16. Could you link the thread?
    Well, that can't be true... We removed item history for only renames because it has no functional purpose. I only mentioned that I would add a replacement option. I do not plan on adding back the previous functionality.
  17. All I made this thread to do is to add back the old item history. I have no idea how it could still be here.
  18. Please show it to me.
  19. It still works the exact same for non renames.
    As I mentioned, we will be adding a replacement option. But it won't look like the old way. It'll be better
  20. I hope so