Beacons for only 10K at 10959

Discussion in 'Selling' started by TuckerAmbr, Feb 18, 2017.

  1. Let's Bust The Economy On Beacons!!

    Beacons Only 10K - Lowest Price Ever In The Empire
    Other Great Deals Too!!

    OP Armor Deals - All Leaded With Enchantments Including Mending
    OP Diamond Helmet only 1750
    OP Diamond Chestplate only 1150
    OP Diamond Leggings only 1150
    OP Diamond Boots only 1650

    Get An Amazing Set of Armor For Only 5700
    That's An Amazing Deal!!!

    Efficiency V, Silk Touch, Unbreaking III Diamond Picks only 780

    And Of Course The Best Book Prices In The Empire

    Get The Best Deals At 10959, +BAD
  2. How am I suppose to sell a beacon for 50k when your giving them away like candy?
  3. Talk about breaking the economy.
  4. I have heard from some that I should stop it. They say I am screwing up the economy. I heard the same thing when I did it with enchanted books. My mission is only to provide the Empire with the things they want without breaking the bank. Supply and demand baby, supply and demand. To anyone that has not checked out this shop, I suggest you do.
    AyanamiKun likes this.
  5. ofc they want u 2 stop, if u do they can sell more. teehee! ^.^

    i love ur shop and i like what ur doing!!

    me 2! ^.^
    TuckerAmbr likes this.