Clearing out the pantry. 4 DC's Cooked Fish, 2 DC's Cooked Salmon, 2 DC's Beet Soup, 2 DC's of Beets

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by bralukwie, Feb 10, 2017.

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  1. Clearing out the pantry. 4 DC's Cooked Fish, 2 DC's Cooked Salmon, 2 DC's Beet Soup, 2 DC's of Beets.

    Where: At my res on /SMP3 /v bralukwie
    Starting Bid 100r
    Minimum Bid 50r
    Ends 48 hours after last valid bid
    Pick up at my res.
  2. 101r
    bralukwie likes this.
  3. 200r :)
    bralukwie likes this.
  4. 301r :O
    bralukwie likes this.
  5. 400r
    bralukwie likes this.
  6. 2k
    bralukwie likes this.
  7. 15k
    bralukwie likes this.
  8. bumppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp
  9. Last bump. Auction ends in couple hours if no other bids
  10. Perez2428, has won the auction. Setting up access to chests shortly.
  11. Paid Thanks!
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