For one of many of us, it is exam time. Now I for one thinks it's only fair if we all do exams for EMC to prove our worth. I will now read you your exam options. Select one of the following tasks for your exam: Abolish Taxes Collect $100 in fines from every young couple in your city (TaintedSoldier) Pinch a marshmallow; make it cry (Mystul, SunnyDayz1oo) Cross the Pacific ocean on a rubber duck raft (Frodomann1) Shove peanuts up your nose and shoot them 300 feet (TheSpyPie, Pat2011) Thumb wrestle a wild bear (Green_Mystery) Dry a river of tears (Equinox_Boss) Hold a bat between your legs and hit a grandslam (theenigmapradox, Terr) NOW WHICH ONE WILL YOU CHOOSE?
Alright, here's the current exams and their participants. Abolish Taxes Collect $100 in fines from every young couple in your city (TaintedSoldier) Pinch a marshmallow; make it cry (Mystul) Cross the Pacific ocean on a rubber duck raft Shove peanuts up your nose and shoot them 300 feet Thumb wrestle a wild bear (Green_Mystery) Dry a river of tears (Equinox_Boss) Hold a bat between your legs and hit a grandslam (theenigmapradox, Terr) Everyone must participate, lest they be annihilated by a task force of flying tutu-wearing bears on unicycles. Make your choice today!
Reminds me of that old joke, "Two dyslexic men walk into a bra..." OKAY Here's the Exam participants thus far. Abolish Taxes Collect $100 in fines from every young couple in your city (TaintedSoldier) Pinch a marshmallow; make it cry (Mystul, SunnyDayz1oo) Cross the Pacific ocean on a rubber duck raft (Frodomann1) Shove peanuts up your nose and shoot them 300 feet (TheSpyPie, Pat2011) Thumb wrestle a wild bear (Green_Mystery) Dry a river of tears (Equinox_Boss) Hold a bat between your legs and hit a grandslam (theenigmapradox, Terr) And remember, participation and results ARE required, or else a troupe of singing Justin Bieber clones will be delivered to your house within the next hour.
Mystery, i don't understand anything here. It hurts my brain and confuses me. Please explain it as if I was a 4 year old.