[Res for Sale] QUARTZ TOWER @ 18467 on SMP9

Discussion in 'Selling' started by AbstractToast9, Jan 28, 2017.

  1. Hey everyone

    I really haven't had enough time to play on EMC recently, and I feel badly that I have a huge build going to waste. I have decided to sell my Quartz Tower on SMP9, so I can use the funds to build something new on SMP1.

    The res is located at 18467 on SMP9. It is made primarily of quartz, glass, and stone slabs/ wool. It took about 6 months to build.

    I'm looking to get 350,000 (350 Thousand) Rupees for it, however price IS NEGOTIABLE.

    The res will be sold as-is. All chests will be empty, and there is nothing else that comes with it.

    Some notable features:
    -A super smelter
    -A 12 section mall
    -Underground building area
    -A 3 story condo
    -Several million rupees worth of quartz

    Without further ado, here are some pictures:
    (Feel free to go see it for yourself, 18467 on SMP9)

    MajorHaze likes this.
  2. I'm pretty sure you wont get 35 million rupees for this tower. I think around 2 million is doable, but thats still a stretch.

    Good luck to you sir!
    MajorHaze likes this.
  3. I was just there and at most you have a dc of quartz blocks and at most a sc of chiseled quartz blocks. less than a single chest of sea lanterns, ceiling are made of wool and the lanterns. You've got more white glass blocks than you do quartz.

    I think even Eclipsys price was off. 500k is all I think this is worth at top dollar. If I was selling this I'd take the first 300k offer and be done with it.
  4. Changed the price