EMC Steam Communtiy Needs Some Attention

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Ritunn, Jan 1, 2017.

  1. The Steam Community for EMC, it's been having random people posting rude and unnecessary comments recently. Some of the rude posts haven't been deleted and they've been there months! As Foxy said there "I like how the comments are filled with absolute trash and the groups leaders, or moderators aren't doing anything.".

    I think the mods should try to take at least 10 seconds to at least do something about the posts, or see if the can do something. I think we need someone dedicated to maybe keeping the Steam Group up to date and actually moderating it. It's not necessary, just an idea.

    Link to the group if you haven't joined.
  2. After checking the Steam Group I can confirm.

    It needs some clean up.
  3. I noticed it a while ago. Figured someone would clean it up eventually.
  4. I guess nobody decided too.
  5. Basically

    >be finalysm
    >have no idea what 2 do with ur life
    >have less brain cells than the average american
    >like memes (previous names: harambae)
    >post dumb comments in a minecraft group to elicit a reaction but it turns out the group is dead
  6. Are you calling him out?
  7. Maybe.

    You should see his Skype rants about EMC lol
    NuclearBobomb likes this.
  8. Skype rants? Has this guy even been on EMC before?
  9. I've been in the Steam group for a large chunk of time, and I've seen almost no activity from the group. EMC's main focus is Minecraft, so that may explain the inactivity in the group. Maybe some players and/or staff members can host events on popular games other than Minecraft?
  10. Yes.

    I don't know what his name right now because he changed it every two seconds.
  11. His current name is HelloKittyRo2 :/
  12. What a surprise that he's still here.