[auction] 2 sets of gear

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by SteveClasher, Dec 26, 2016.

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  1. 2 helmet, 2 chestplate, 2 leggings and 2 boots

    all protection 3 unbreaking 3 and made of diamond.

    starting bid : 1r
    Raise : 1r
    Ends 48h after last valid bid.

    good luck!

    preview chest at /v 17040
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  2. Sorry, bout this, but I am cancelling my bid. Equinox_Boss is in the lead with 5001 r
  3. I'm not sure if you can do that...
    Rimont likes this.
  4. You can't cancel your bid unless someone outbid you.

    and bump
    Tigerstar likes this.
  5. The auction is over, you have 48h to pay me.
    After access will be set at /v 17040
  6. Okay. Thanks!
  7. I will pay you today, eventually
  8. I paid you
    SteveClasher likes this.
  9. Good, access set at /v 17040 in auction section
  10. Thanks! I will pick the stuff up as soon as possible! (-:
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