[AUCTION] Misc. Farm Things + Shiny Books

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by theaustin1one, Nov 13, 2016.

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  1. Items are as follows.

    1 DC of Bones

    1 DC of Wheat Seeds

    15 DCs of melon slices (emeralds anyone?)

    Looting 3 x3
    Fire Aspect 2 x3
    Frost Walker 1 x2
    Frost Walker 2 x1
    Knockback 2 x4
    Knockback 2 + Lure 2 x1
    Knockback 2 + Lure 3 x1
    Power V x2
    Flame x2
    Infinity x5
    Fire Prot 4 x1
    Proj Prot 4 x1
    Respiration 2 + Strider 2 + Smite 4 x1
    Efficiency 4 x1
    Efficiency 5 x1
    Smite 3 + Knockback 2 x1
    Power 3 + Flame x1
    Silk Touch x3
    Luck of Sea 3 x1

    Starting Bid- 5k
    Minimum Bid Increment- 100r
    Ending Time- 48 hours after last VALID Bid
    You can pick your winnings up at /v 11567 (there will be a clearly marked pressure plate) or I can deliver it, provided you pay me 15k.

    Good luck!

    I see no reason why not, but if this auction violates auction terms, please report it.
  2. For clarification, the enchanted items above are the books themselves, not enchanted gear
  3. 5k
    Carbonyx likes this.
  4. 8k
    Carbonyx likes this.
  5. Morning bump
  6. 10k
    Carbonyx likes this.
  7. 11k
    Carbonyx likes this.
  8. O hai Perez

  9. Bump! Perez leads with 11k! Still cheap for 15 DOUBLE CHESTS of melons + enchanted books!
  10. Bring Up My Post
  11. Bump! About 6 hours left unless someone tries to beat Perez!
  12. You have won! I think you know where to go lol
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