Late 1500, Early 1600 Day Giveaway (AMA)

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Crakow, Sep 14, 2016.

  1. Behind curtain #1 is your brand new lamp.

    No, I've never hosted an event in game.
    Kytula likes this.
  2. Do You Like To Build Or Go Exploring? Number 18 Please :p
  3. Building :)
    Kytula likes this.
  4. Congrats :D. If money cant buy happiness, then why is it so fabulous? any number will be gud :p
  5. Because it buys temporary happiness. I'm giving you 19
    Guill likes this.
  6. 19 is fine by me

    but do you get my reference ?
  7. I was just going to have you give me a random number simultaneously as you chose the winner, but as you probably wouldn't go for that, no 9 please ..

    and if you have a favorite build on EMC what/where is it located?
  8. 18002 on smp9
  9. Congratulations!

    Which would win in a fight: A human or a Unicorn?
    Numbero 23, please!
  10. Unicorn
    Dufne and _cTJ_ like this.
  11. 44 please and what is your favorite promo?
  12. ICC Valentines Day Head.
  13. im a little confused b/c i usually try /p 2 look 4 ppl and it said u came to emc 1142 days ago.

    so my question is: is the 1500 on another account?

    doesnt matter 2 much b/c 1200 days is also impressive! thats 2x longer than ive been here ^.^

    id like 84 if possible

    now my real question: what do u like most about EMC servers?

    it is, i used to own one, then auctioned it and became millionaire! :eek:
  14. /p epickid02

    The easy access to each server. (/smp8 etc)
    AyanamiKun likes this.
  15. Number 55
    Question (which i will contine to ask untill i get the answer i want) WHY IS DUFNE BACKWARDS??

    (Well now shes stevne cuz her skin always glitchs, so why that)
    Dufne likes this.