Late 1500, Early 1600 Day Giveaway (AMA)

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Crakow, Sep 14, 2016.

  1. would you catch a purple chicken?
    77 plz
  2. what is your biggest build you made?
    can i have 14 please
  3. Only if the beak was red :)
  4. Hmm. I made a museum awhile back but its no longer existent
  5. Congrats man on almost 1600 days, like double me xd

    What do you enjoy most on EMC and what is your favourite event?

    Number 13 plez

  6. Creature Capture :)
    Ch33zus likes this.
  7. Congrats since u have been here for so long tell me this
    Have you heard about the Bird?
    25 pls
  8. Mushroom or beetroot soup?
    47 please
  9. What SMP did you first land on when you first started playing?
    Number 4 please :)
  10. thoughts on nudibranchs? number 21 pls =)
  11. Maybe



    Those are pretty cool little sea animals
    ESSELEM likes this.
  12. i'll bid 12k

  13. dank
  14. What was your first thought when joining EMC and How did you know about EMC before you joined?
    Ill take number 69 Thank you
  15. 67 please, How many chickens have you killed? :eek:
  16. 42, from 1-7 how much smp8 is in you?

    which MC version best?
    which MC version did you start playing MC?
    *prepare for sinsing tone)
    would you like to build a snow man?
  17. congrats on 1500/1600 days, whats your favourite promo, I'll take number 32 please!
  18. Congratulations for your longevity on the Empire! I'll bid 88 and... What's your favourite Minecraft block?
  19. =
    Krysyys hole in 1 trivia

    I knew it would be home. And I found it on some random server list :p

    Not a clue my stats are missing :(




    ICC Valentines Day Head if you can consider that a promo :p

    Regular Sandstone
    AyanamiKun and MaglorYavetil like this.
  20. Congrats on your Emciversary ^_^

    Whats behind curtain number one? And have you ever hosted an event on emc before (in game)?

    I choose you #30

    Please :p