I was killed by two people!

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by ET_SoCal, May 15, 2012.

  1. Tuesday 5/15 @ 6:40pm pst - they started a chat "nice place" when I went to my place (in wilderness) seems they both started me on fire? & I quickly died, when I re-spawned and went back my diamond tools I had & other resources were gone and there was a lot of damage to my house...
    How do I report this? Why did they do this? I thought this was a "nice place" to dig... Now I don't dig Empire as much...
  2. This was the wrong way to do a report, i understand you are a new player, so i will tell you how to report.
    1. Click on a moderator
    2. Start conversation
    3. Describe the events in chronological order
    4. Screenshots are needed 80% of the time, unless they witnessed the act.
    Hope this helps, and it sucks you were grief. Empire is a nice place, but there are those rotten people that ruin the fun. I would suggest finding a partner for next time.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  3. Always take screenshots by pressing F2 (FN + F2 for Mac). And you could receive a temp ban for accusing people on the forums.
  4. You send it to a mod. Also, without pictures, nothing can be done.
    SecretAznEks likes this.
  5. it was sudden and unexpected, I've met a few others and (so far) all were cool...
    So, without pic, nothing can be done?
  6. Not really. Partners for mining are a good idea
  7. This was the wrong way to do a report, i understand you are a new player, so i will tell you how to report.
    1. Click on a moderator
    2. Start conversation
    3. Describe the events in chronological order
    4. Screenshots are needed 80% of the time, unless they witnessed the act.
    Hope this helps, and it sucks you were grief. Empire is a nice place, but there are those rotten people that ruin the fun. I would suggest finding a partner for next time.
    - Michael_Nolan

  8. I'm happy to report that he offenders have been banned by Crazy and myself :)
  9. Do the death notes post in the server console? I noticed that they don't post on EMC but if they do record silently it would be a good tool to catch direct pvp'ers like that..
  10. We have a moderator tool called Square which is used to monitor players outside of the game. Square is also where your reports go to get reviewed :)
  11. I wasn't entirely sure if the second person was involved, and I didn't want to act on it without another moderator agreeing that they were involved.

    I think Mr. E agreed. :p
  12. See? We're not too bad after all :)
  13. "Nice place" - You know someone told me this too once just before they dumped lava on me. Is this some sort of griefer lingo?
  14. They're trying to be "clever' and use the Creeper meme. "What a nice place you got there..ssssssssss"
  15. Be a sssssssshame...
  16. And the moderatore strike again! Nice work team <3
  17. I got killed this way by griefer too, but it was on some other server.
  18. What did I miss?
    SecretAznEks and Call_Me_DeJaja like this.
  19. That's so fitting. Is it possibly true?
  20. Maybe, I've been griefed by people pretending to be creepers on other servers.